Prologue, Heorot is Attacked, The Hero Comes to Heorot, and Feast at Heorot are credited to
The Fight with Grendel
1.)Heroic poetry normally has a scene in which the hero arms for battle. What is different about Beowulf's preparations for his fight with Grendel?
- Beowulf unarms himself when preparing for battle with Grendel which is unusual for the time because a characteristic of a hero back then was excellent sword skills and he instead decided to use his hands.
2.)What happens when Grendel enters Heorot? How does Beowulf fight with him? What happens when Grendel tries to leave? Does Grendel escape? What does he leave behind?
- When Grendel enters Heorot he killed one of the men easily so he was taken aback when Beowulf comes at him with such power. Grendel tries to escape, but Beowulf rips off his arm. Grendel finally manages to escape only to go die alone.
Celebration at Heorot
1.)When the Danes and Geats return from following Grendel's tracks to the mere, someone sings in Beowulf's presence, comparing him to Sigemund and saying that he was not like Heremod (lines 883-914). How is Beowulf like Sigemund? How is he not like Heremod?
- Beowulf is similar to Sigemund in that he had won many battles and is known for his courage and bravery as well. Heremod and Beowulf are similar because they were both excellent warriors, but Heremod was interested in the fame and fortune that goes along with winning and Beowulf was not.
2.)How does Hrothgar respond to Beowulf's deed? What does he offer to do for him? What does Unferth have to say now?
- Hrothgar is so happy that Beowulf slayed Grendel that he promises him his kingdom and all his riches. Unferth doesn't really have anything to say because he is embarrassed that he was so wrong about Beowulf.
3.)The singer sings of Finn during the feasting (lines 1070-1158). The exact details of the Finn story are not clear, but in general, what happens? What does it suggest about the wisdom of using a woman as bride to heal enmity between tribes?
- In the story of Finn Hnaefs daughter is given to Finn as sort of a peace offering which suggests that marriages were seen as business agreements in that time.
4.)When the feasting resumes, what does Wealhtheow ask Hrothgar not to do?
- Wealhtheow asks Hrothgar not to forget his children and their inheritance.
5.)Wealhtheow gives Beowulf a large, broad necklace. What later happens to it? What does Wealhtheow ask Beowulf to do?
- Wealhtheow asks Beowulf to look out for her sons and to help them if they need it.
6.)Why do so many men remain in the beer hall to sleep? Why is it a mistake?
- The drunk men fall asleep in the hall because they believe, now that Grendel is gone, that it is safe. This is a mistake because Grendel's mother comes seeking revenge.
Another Attack
1.)Why has Grendel's mother come to Heorot? Is it the same reason Grendel had?
- Grendel's mother comes to get revenge by killing Beowulf while Grendel entered Heorot to just kill anyone in sight.
2.)What is Hrothgar's response? Whom has Grendel's mother killed?
- Hrothgar is very upset about Grendel's mother so he offers Beowulf a reward if he can kill her.
3.)What sort of place is the mere?
- The mere is dark and dangerous, it is always covered with a thick fog.
Beowulf Fights Grendel's Mother
1.)How does Beowulf tell Hrothgar to respond?
- Beowulf says he'll fight for the Danes and believes that he'll be sucessful.
2.)What happens at the mere before Beowulf enters it?
- Beowulf sinks down in the water.
3.)How does Beowulf prepare for the battle? What sword does he take with him?
- Beowulf tells Hrothgar what he wants done in case he doesn't make it back and he takes his ring marked blade sword.
4.)What happens when Beowulf enters the mere? What is surprising about where Grendel and his mother live in the mere?
- Grendel's mother grabs Beowulf's armor which protects him from her claws. The surprising thing about where Grendel's mother lives is that it's underwater.
5.)What happens to the sword Beowulf borrowed from Unferth?
- The sword breaks when it makes contact with Grendel's mother.
6.)At one point Beowulf is on the floor, with Grendel's mother sitting on him and drawing her knife. How does Beowulf escape?
- Beowulf digs deep and uses his incredible strength to get out from under her.
7.)How does Beowulf kill Grendel's mother? What weapon does he use? What happens when she dies? What does Beowulf take with him from her home? What happens to the sword he used to kill her?
- Beowulf kills Grendel's mother by using a sword he found hanging on the wall and breaking all her bones. When she dies her body lights up, he brought Grendel's head and part of the sword because some of it was stuck inside her body.
8.)What happens when Beowulf returns to the surface? Did his men expect him to return?
- The men didn't expect Beowulf to return so no one was there when he surfaced.
Further Celebration at Heorot
1.)What does Beowulf give to Hrothgar?
- Beowulf gives him the sword of giants.
2.)What message does Hrothgar have for Beowulf? What and why does he tell us about Heremod? Why and how did Heremod die? What lesson does Hrothgar teach with the Heremod example?
- Hrothgar tells him to seek virtue because Heremond didn't and he ignored the signs of the gods. This teaches Beowulf not to act selfishly.
3.)What does Beowulf give to Unferth as he leaves?
- Beowulf gives Unferth his sword back.
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