Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Vocabulary #9

aficionado: (noun) an enthusiastic and usually expert follower or fan
I consider myself a real aficionado when it comes to the San Francisco Giants.

browbeat: (verb) to intimidate by a stern or overbearing manner; to bully
The large boy used his size to browbeat the littler kids in his grade.

commensurate: (adj.) equal in size, extent, duration, or importance; proportionate; measurable by the same standards
Her promotion is commensurate with the work she put in all year.

diaphanous: (adj.) very sheer and light; almost completely transparent
Collared diaphanous tops seem to be all the rage these days.

emolument: (noun) profit derived from an office or position or from employment; a fee or salary
The only part of having a job I'm looking forward to is the emolument. 

foray: (noun) a quick raid, especially for plunder; a venture into some field of endeavor; (verb) to make such a raid
A pirate's goal is to foray ships and towns.

genre: (noun) a type, class, or variety, especially a distinctive category of literary composition
I'm not a fan of the sci-fi genre.

homily: (noun) a sermon stressing moral principles; a tedious moralizing lecture or discourse
The vice principal was recognized for his annual infamous homily at the beginning of the year.

immure: (verb) to enclose or confine within walls; to imprison, to seclude or isolate
The dimly lit classroom seemed to immure the students.

insouciant: (adj.) blithely indifferent or unconcerned; carefree; happy-go-lucky
The insouciant girl was never without a smile.

matrix: (noun) a mold; the surrounding situation or environment
Rock is the matrix that preserves fossils.

obsequies: (noun) funeral rites or ceremonies
Augustus has Hazel and Isaac do practice obsequies for him.

panache: (noun) a confident and stylish manner, dash; a strikingly elaborate or colorful display
Johnny Weir skates with such panache.

persona: (noun) a character in a novel or play; the outward character or role that a person assumes
For Halloween not only did I dress up as Velma from Scooby Doo but I embodied her persona as well.

philippic: (noun) a bitter verbal attack
Many people shut down mentally after one too many philippics.

prurient: (adj.) having lustful desires or interests
I have prurient dreams about how my future will turn out.

sacrosanct: (adj.) very sacred or holy; set apart or immune from questioning or attack
Catholic priests seem to be sacrosants even when their actions suggest otherwise.

systemic: (adj.) of or pertaining to the entire body; relating to a system
A lot of homework gives me a sort of systemic breakdown.

tendentious: (adj.) intended to promote a particular point of view, doctrine, or cause; biased or partisan
Fox News is infamous for its tendentious news reports.

vicissitude: (noun) a change, variation, or alteration
After visiting Bali the woman seemed to have undergone a vicissitude.

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